A Great Group of Hams at the BITB

By John Wolcott, KB6OVO

It was quite a special gathering at our bi-monthly CARA Breakfast in the Building, or BITB as I like to call it. We had Hams and future Hams, friends and families joining together for a really great time; meeting new faces to go with callsigns and, of course, eyeball QSO’s with our friends normally met on the air.

Jeff, KK6TRC, has been kind enough to orchestrate our BITB meetings; drawing on his available resources for the meeting venue, as well as a special parking area to accommodate our growing crowd at our new location. And thanks to Dave, KG6GIA, for helping to monitor the parking lot. Bill, KN6SMP, assisted with the sign-ins for the meeting.

And no CARA meeting would be complete without the exceptional cooking skills of Don, WA6GVI, and Nancy, KJ6EYB; making perfect pancakes with apple and cherry toppings. We’ve also been repeatedly spoiled by Bill, KN6SMP, with a load of impeccably cooked bacon and his literally, award-winning peanut butter cookies. Jim, KB6TKA, presented his world-famous chocolate chip and peanut butter cookies.

The individual participation didn’t stop there! We had our President, Mike, AI6AB, and Dan, AD6HK, give us club information and review of a new way to renew our membership on line with the HamClubOnline web site. Albert, N6ACG, gave some pointers on its use with a computer.

We also had new guests visiting our gathering including Ryan, W6LDS, hailing from Huntington Beach. We had 11 YLs (Young Ladies) in attendance. And Jim, KB6TKA, regularly brings along his grandson, James, to the gatherings. It seems James has taken quite an interest in Amateur Radio. Milt, N6MG, very generously, gave him a good start by gifting him a 2-meter handheld radio.

And speaking of special guests, we were pleasantly surprised to have Ruth, W6LXL, join in on the festivities. A huge thanks goes out to Jay, KK6OZ, and his wife Diane for helping out with Ruth’s transportation. Milt, N6MG, made a special presentation honoring Ruth, who has been a licensed Amateur Radio operator for more than 70 years. It was great to have this charming lady participate in our gathering. You’re a class act, Milt, with your contributions to the club. We are extremely fortunate to have so many Club Officers and members give back to this hobby and club, as they do.

Of course, we had our meeting raffle with a plethora of prizes. Milt, N6MG, was the grand raffle prize winner of a new Anytone AT-5555, 10-meter mobile radio.

The idea of having a later start time for our BITB meetings was presented along with a positive vote for the change. Our BITB meetings will now be starting at 9am.

Oh, but the fun still didn’t end there. We had several great radio related demonstrations that held our attention throughout the meeting. Gary, WA6ISQ, demonstrated a three element yagi antenna. Chris, KF6LEX, demonstrated placing an antenna on a bicycle and hooking it up to a portable HF rig for POTA and SOTA activations (Parks on the Air and Summits on the Air.) Dave, KG6GIA, demonstrated antennas.

It’s quite obvious from the level of activity at our BITB meetings, as well as with the pictures shown here, the CARA BITB meetings with our great group of hams is something exceptional; certainly not to be missed. The next BITB will be held on June 8th at 9am. We meet at 9933 Villa Pacific Drive in Huntington Beach.